The 61st Rotary Club of Terrace TV Auction has started online at www.auction.terracerotary.org. You can see the Items on the website. You can also view the listing of Auction items on the Rotary Club of Terrace Facebook page later this weekend. Pre-bidding starts at 5 PM Friday October 29th.
You will require a Bid # to bid on any item which you can obtain by opening New Buyer Registration page on the Auction home page. If you need a reminder of your last year's Bid number, contact auction@terracerotary.org.
Our live Auction is on Saturday November 6th and Sunday November 7th and this year we will livestream the Auction on YouTube. You can bid online, or phone 778-634-3501. The Auction times are Saturday November 6th 6 to 11 PM and Sunday November 7th 2 to 10 PM.
When we contact successful bidders to confirm your bids, we will ask for payment by debit or credit card, or e-transfer. You will be able to pick up your items outside the Sportsplex at our pick up station.
Our web address is http://auction.terracerotary.org