Terrace & District Community Services Society Executive Director Michael McFetridge tells Rotary about Foundry Terrace project set to begin this fall.
"A place where all our young people have the resources necessary to thrive."
That's how the Terrace & District Community Services Society describes Foundry Terrace, a place where youth can receive outstanding, coordinated, timely and accessible mental health care, substance use supports, primary care and social services.
Currently, Foundry operates out of the TDCSS main office at 101-3219 Eby Street, but this fall, if all goes according to plan, ground will be broken on a brand new building on land adjacent to the current office.
TDCSS is currently raising funds for the new, purpose building, with a target of two million dollars.
[PHOTO: Michael McFetridge with artist's rendering of planned Eby Place building]
To find out more about the project, visit https://tdcss.ca/foundry/
The building will also contain housing for seniors, but that portion of the project is funded separately.